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  • Free access to expensive medicines

  • Frequent lab monitoring at no cost

  • Confidential, personalized care

  • Access to after-hours on-call staff, 24/7

  • No insurance required


  • We will also keep you informed of any new information about study medications you are taking, and advancements toward a cure or vaccine.

  • And once the study has been completed, we will share the results with you.

  • Progress in conquering HIV or SARS-CoV-2 is a team effort, and you are a critical and much appreciated part of that team.




 FOR 20+ YEARS? 


He got access to experimental ARV drugs before they were released to the general public.


At the same time, there were many people who got the same benefits from these new drugs.


These were the people living with HIV who volunteered for clinical trials.  

  • A study visit at the UWACTU includes physical examinations, a wide variety of laboratory tests at no cost to you, and more one-on-one time with a clinician to answer all your questions.

  • We will use your contributions to our studies wisely and respectfully as we monitor and evaluate your physical health and response to any study drug.

  • This also includes providing you with accurate, up-to-date information about HIV or SARS-CoV-2, their effect on your body, and steps you can take to minimize thier impact.

  • They may also study ways to help people manage their HIV medications and the long-term general health of people living with HIV.

  • Results of these studies have helped establish the standard for the management of HIV disease and form the basis of current treatment guidelines..  This progress in the treatment of HIV+ people has resulted in dramatic reductions in AIDS-related deaths in the U.S. and other countries of the developed world.

  • Clinical trials are carefully designed research studies that involve people and are designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of treatment for HIV pr Covid and related conditions.

  • Clinical trials are vitally important because there are no other direct ways to learn how different people respond to medications, treatments, or therapeutic approaches.

  • Clinical trials may study experimental medications to treat HIV or Covid, FDA-approved medications used in new ways or in new combinations, or medications to prevent or treat related infections.

HIV treatment is better than ever today because individuals just like you chose to participate in clinical trials.


Yet challenges remain.


Our efforts to improve the lives of all people living with HIV must continue.


And we need to find a cure.


Since 1986, we’ve conducted state-of-the-art clinical trials at the UW ACTU.  We’re consistently part of breakthrough research that leads to better care for everyone.


Many of our studies are chosen, designed and conducted with guidance from people living with HIV.


Participating in a study  is an important decision.   We hope that our staff—along with talking with your doctor, a family member, or a friend -- will help you better understand the ins & outs of participating in research.



Join and support

our research effort

to find a cure for HIV

—which, for the first time

in 30+ years

of the epidemic,


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